Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3, 2017 A Home

After being dumped off at the couchsurfing hosts' place, unable to speak or even move, I got onto Facebook and messaged the people who moved my things from Edmonton to Bragg Creek.  I wasn't too coherent, although I knew what I meant - it just wasn't coming out right.  But they got the gist of it and within minutes another ambulance had arrived.  At first I said no, I wasn't going again.  Nobody had listened because John had fed the doctors wrong (or irrelevant to this situation) information.  But the paramedics simply suggested, "well, how about you go and start fresh".  Good idea.  At this point, I was a little more alert than I had been the day before, but I still can't recall the ride to the hospital or much of what transpired in the next few hours.  Eventually I was given something for nausea, vertigo and sleep and disappeared for four hours.  By the way, I should mention that I hadn't yet discovered that John hadn't gone home.  We'd been planning to leave on the 28th, but he decided to bugger off on the 23rd... not home to Ottawa, but to Washington.  Yes, without me.  My sisters were confused and rightly pissed that he'd dumped me and had gone ahead to Washington.  It's OK.  After a few months of John, I pretty much know the guy cannot see or hear anything that doesn't benefit him directly.  I've healthily detached from that.  Can't expect anything from someone who can't do anything.  So it's alright.   But a little weird weird weird.

Jenn and Bruce, who had called for an ambulance the second time, invited me to come stay at their place on the lake - or what's left of Sandy Lake anyway.  I stay in their RV -  SO cozy!  I can honestly say that the pounding stopped for about three days.  I've been sleepy, but not painfully exhausted.... till today.  Everything hurts again.  There's that deep visceral pain that feels like everything inside is all red, contorted, both inflamed and shriveled.  I'm exhausted.  The torture is back on, Baby!

I am trying to think of a way of positively stating things that just aren't positive.  Any suggestions?  It's about people.  For the most part, homo sapiens is an empathetic species.  We help one another.  But then you come across some that fall outside that humanitarian cell and it's not just hard to describe - I don't want to have to describe them.  But there they are.  My sisters in law, for starters, just couldn't get past my idiosyncrasies - those "bizarre" behaviors that to me are survival mechanisms.  Being aloof, lying down a lot, not eating, etc.  It's just not acceptable to be sick.

I've a lot to catch up.... right now my eyes need to close.  They burn.  My cervical spine is degenerating - basically, it is decomposing inside me.  So any tissue still trying to stay attached to the cervical spine is in spasms.  Also, I can't see.  John took my glasses with him, and although I asked him to courier them to the address where I would be for 2 days, he didn't.  Give John another star on his chart of senior citizen moments.

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