Thursday, July 7, 2016


My lovely second born, came to me
in the silent stillness of a morning, quiet, no lights, no monitors, in an empty hallway.... he knew me.
He understood everything.  He was born
knowing because I sang to him, played to
him. He even arrived with my memories intact. I was so young and so little from
being so sick.  But then he came to me, he never cried, even when those sores were all over
his tiny body and I fixed him up without a single fuss from him.  I loved that boy! He made me
laugh, smile, cry with joy, cry because I knew life would not be easy for one so passionate, so knowing, so real.  This boy, this man.
I was never well enough to teach him music
so he taught himself.

I beg him to believe
in himself.  He is so strong, so beautiful, and has
oh, so much to give the entire world... yet his own young son is enough for him.  Knovah, you are not only enough, you are everything to him, my Hamie.  This man, your daddy, was once my little boy. Love him. Know him.  Believe him.  Always.  He is always right, not in an authoritarian way, but in the quiet, lovely, painless way he was born to me, the mother who happened to give birth to him, and then loved him with all her inner, quiet might.

These beautiful baby boys began long ago, not with me, but with the seed of their fathers.  I only gave birth to one, but loved them all.

So, World, just listen.... Do you hear what I have always heard???

And he has to walk away from me to walk beside you

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