Thursday, July 21, 2016

Vlog - Love one another... it's easier than not loving

The subject matter in these videos is extremely personal and sensitive, so please watch/listen/read with respect.  The intent in posting these videos and reading just one text, and not even a particularly cruel one, is to implore all parents to treat one another with dignity and respect, regardless of whatever feelings or opinions you have about one another.  Think of the child/children, to whom you both gave life - that's kind of a big deal, the biggest and best, so treat it as such. 

I don't have the physical stamina or mental focus to splice these videos together, or set up proper lighting or add music to set the mood... so you get to watch separate videos, as thoughts come to me.  As I begin to rehabilitate from M.E., you'll know, because sitting here will get easier, videos, templates, designs, etc, will be much more creative.  But until then, this is what you get.  Deal with it.

I am not putting my son on a pedestal here.  We all have our struggles.  But I've witnessed the bizarre behavior of this person.  For instance, when I went to visit them the first time, excited, thrilled, happy to meet her, I walked in to see her following Hamish around the apartment, yelling at him, "YOU JUST WANT TO FUCK YOUR MOM!"  Astounded, shocked and embarrassed for the both of them, I walked back out and slept in my car.  Hamish told me later that the accusations went both ways - apparently I wanted to do the same to my own son.  I should also clarify that Hamish doesn't have "former" friends.  His friends from childhood are still his friends, along with the friends he's made along the way.  She says his friends and family are his "cheering squad [and] are all idiots." I don't know where her insecurity comes from.  Like I say, I would love to be able to just hold her and love her, not just because she needs it, but because I did, and do, love her!  I would try to find out where the hatred comes from, and try, gently, to pull it out of her, help her replace it with kindness, love, honesty and respect.  How horrible it would be to have to live with such a negative emotion your entire life, to live with hatred, the desire to be cruel and with invented stories/lies, especially as a mother and grown adult in her mid 30s.  If you ever watch this,  "V", I really do love you!  Just accept it.  It's free, beautiful, and necessaryNo one can live without love, and I mean real, unconditional love!  Try it out - just accept it.  You don't even need to offer the same in return.  True love is freely given.  What harm can it do to just take it, try it on, see how it fits/feels?  It's already yours!

I will probably take this post down after a week or so.  But while it's here, think about it, especially if it applies to you.  I didn't read the really horrible emails/texts. This one was mild.  That's why I chose it.  We simply cannot and should not judge anyone, because we don't know where that person has been,  or has had to come through to get where he/she is today.  We're here to be kind and to love one another!  

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