Friday, July 1, 2016

It doesn't kill you.... it kills who you are



I should never have allowed myself to be on my feet, even with a cane - using a cane or crutches just hurts your arms and shoulders, and doesn't really take the pressure off your legs and back.  "Carry a camping stool!" says Dr. Bev.   

I joined a Facebook group here in Bragg Creek, asking for help, not expecting any responses.  So I was astounded to find a couple dozen offers waiting for me when I got home.  Let's see if they're serious.... usually when I ask for help, everyone disappears in a hurry and never comes back....

I need to talk more about the consequences and aftermath of the rape.... back to the "Rape is Rape is Rape: A Love Story".... but I still have much processing to do.  If anyone wants to add something, I would love to have guest posts. Leave me more comments!  Poetry, personal stories, art, music, whatever is on your mind.... tastefully and truthfully.

UPDATE!  Yes!  Thank you to Lori for picking up my sleep study kit and returning it to the Foothills Hospital today - despite having the big dogs jump up on her!   And more recently, thanks Marina for picking up and dropping off my prescriptions, despite your very recent medical/health stuff.  You gals are awesome!  

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